Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello long, lost friends!

Hey everyone!

After my somewhat dramatic departure from Spain I returned home safely and just chilled for the remainder of the summer.

I was glad to get back to Rock Hill and to start the school year, and I closed on my house in RH on August 18th. Since August my days have been filled with home improvement and lesson plans.

The school year so far is going WONDERFULLY! Looping with my class from 4th to 5th grade was one of the best decisions I think I could have made, because this year has been a delight. I am so luck to work with such awesome teachers and the kids have been, well . . . the same great kids as last year! I truly mean that.

So . . . I'm back! I realized in the past week or so that I really miss blogging. I also realized that lately I have not been doing a great job of keeping my writer's journal and made the executive decision in the land of Derek to merge the two together. Welcome to the most extraordinary tales of the ordinary life of Derek the humble teacher!!! It's not quite as exciting as my trip to Europe that was a BUST but oh well.

Check back often!



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